Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Today I would like to share with you four inspirational videos. I encourage you to leave comments on the blog and start a dialogue with other people about the Miracle of Life and the Power of your Belief System. There are many ways that we can truly connect with our true authentic self. We are unlimited spiritual beings living a physical life and when we truly discover ourselves and take the time to quiet the mind, chatter and the ego part of ourselves, to go within, we can re-connect with our true essence. Ask yourself, Who am I really? and allow the information to flow to you with ease.

You can also take a walk in nature and experience 'being the tree', 'being the flower', be one with nature. Every thing in the world is energy and vibrates at frequencies. In the book "The True Power of Water" by Dr. Masaru Emoto, he shares with us how our physical bodies are 70% water and how water we can heal ourselves and the planet through paying attention to our thoughts thoughts, words, vibrations and intentions. Be in gratitude, love, thankfulness each day and see the miracles unfold in your life.

My wish for you is to take time every day, even if this is 15 minutes, to create a space where you will not be interrupted and quiet your mind, go within and connect with your brilliance. It is in this space that you can become clear on your path in life, your vision, purpose and re-claim all your creativity. Commit to doing this for even one month and you will start to see doors open up to you, the right people coming into your life and the unlimited possibilities.

I invite you to take time now to fully enjoy this beautiful movie segment of Planet Earth - The Jewel of the Universe. I love the lyrics and music by OWL, Fireflies.

Here is another inspirational video about the Miracle of Believing, with Mariah Carey and Whitney Houston singing one of the songs from the Soundtrack movie "The Prince of Egypt."

We are all unique and have special skills and talents. Discover your passions, your purpose and live your life to the fullest - one passion at a time! I am also offering a two for one Holiday Special on my CD Audiobook "8 Keys to Unlocking Infinite Passion." This is a wonderful opportunity to gift yourself and a friend the Gift of discovering your passion and creating the life of your dreams NOW. What are you waiting for?



Sunday, November 1, 2009


I love the acroynm that Neale Donald Walsh, 'Conversations with God' uses for the word F.E.A.R. In my last newsletter, I stated that I would be posting a video of Neale discussing the topic of the word FEAR. I also invite you to sign up for our V.I.P. (Vision, Integrity, Passion and Purpose) newsletter and as a thank you, you will receive one free chapter of our "8 Keys to Unlocking Infinite Passion" chapter on the law of attraction and passion. Watch this inspirational video and leave your comments on how you feel this could impact the way you are 'being' each day.

So what really is FEAR? Is it real or is it an illusion.

There are really only two main states to come from, one is LOVE and the other one is Fear. Then there are many other levels of emotions in between, such as Anxiety, Depression and on the other end of the spectrum you may experience the emotion of Appreciation, Joy and Passion. Neale states that fear is based on the thought that we feel we need something and we think we are not going to get it (the fear.) One of the great questions he asked is "What are we afraid of and what is the impact it is having on our state of being?"

Remember in the days of prehistoric reptiles such as the dinosaurs. Then cave women and men came along and they instinctively understood the "flight or fight" response. Imagine having a Tyrannosaurus looking at you as his next meal?

Do you know that what one thinks about will actually result in a shift in your physiological state and in your body? Our bodies interpret our thoughts as real and if you are in a state of fear, the body will respond to what you are thinking and will create a real stress response.

The "fight or flight" response was originally discovered by Walter Cannon, a Harvard physiologist. He stated that this response originates in the hypothalamus area of our brain, and when stimulated it will start a sequence of firing your nerve cells, and release chemicals that will prepare the body for running (flight) or a fight (the fight response). The fight or flight response does not work with our rational mind, however it is an important element of our body's primitive and inborn response that engages when the body perceives the threat to our physical survival.

In the video Neale shared this acroynm for F.E.A.R. The letter F for Feeling; E for Excited; A for the word And ; and R is for Ready . How brilliant is this and what a great reframe for you to experience each day from this framework. You are feeling first, then excited about what is showing up and ready for all the wonderful blessings and people, places and things to come into your awareness throughout the day! Imagine how it would be to see the world through this perspective.

Throughout the years I have used a cool exercise on how limited we can be at times and how we really perceive the world. Take a regular size of paper 8 x 11 inches and roll the paper up so it is turned into a telescope. Now look around you and as you do, begin to allow this telescope to get bigger, so you can see more around you. You will begin to notice that you see more and can take in more of your surroundings. If you think about this as a metaphor and how you see the world, you will notice that we only take in so much information each day.

So my motto is to check out if your fear is 'real' or ask yourself if it is 'an illusion?' Are you coming from love, joy and happiness, or from the emotions of anger, jealousy, sadness and struggle. Challenge yourself to embrace the new. Learn how to do something new today, or experience a new activity. You could sign up for a new sport, take a walk, start knitting, challenge yourself to move through false evidence appearing real (in a healthy and safe way.)

Live with Passion, Joy and Love!